

Users are representations of any account on Arena. Users can have channels, followers, blocks and they can also follow both channels and users.

Currently, a user obtains an account by requesting an invitation and having it approved, or receiving an invitation by a current user.


id (Integer) The internal ID of the user
slug (String) The slug of the user. This is used for the user's default profile channel
username (String) Currently this will be equivalent to "full_name"
first_name (String) The first name of the user
last_name (String) The last name of the user
avatar (String) The gravatar URL to the user's avatar
channel_count (Integer) The number of channels the user owns or is a collaborator on
following_count (Integer) The number of channels and users a user is following
profile_id (Integer) The internal ID of the user's profile channel
follower_count (String) The number of users following the user
class (String) Will always be "User"
initials (String) The initials of a user. Derived from the user's first and last name

GET /v2/users/:id

Returns a user object

HTTP method: GET
Requires authentication: No

GET /v2/users/:id/channel

Resource URL:

Example Request:

Redirects to /v2/channels/:id

HTTP method: GET
Requires authentication: No

GET /v2/users/:id/channels

Returns a list of the specified user's channels

HTTP method: GET
Requires authentication: No

GET /v2/users/:id/following

Returns a list of the specified user's followed channels and users

HTTP method: GET
Requires authentication: No

GET /v2/users/:id/followers

Returns a list of the users following the specified user

HTTP method: GET
Requires authentication: No